Friday, January 30, 2009
几次相见 谈天说地
长久相见 真心相坦
不再相见 话又有几?
一月孤独 二月有朋
朋不需多 在乎真诚
上直下八 直率多谈
有知共享 无所不谈
俩人相聚 从零开始
慢慢增数 一变二再加一
加至何时 你我与天定
得多或少 定于付收有几
直至破百 朋友二字相成
朋友有难 吾愿为君
上了刀山 陪下油窝
两肋插刀 在所不辞
识英雄 重英雄
有朋友 重朋友
To my friends, KS and LJ.
“朋友是感情的象征” (交朋友应该由感觉开始吧!而感觉也是一种感情,I think yes。)
Thursday, January 29, 2009

笔画分别是:19 12 4
天格.人格.地格.总格.外格数分别:20(水) 31(木) 16(土) 35(土) 5(土)
总评数理得分:100 分
笔画分别是:19 12 12
天格.人格.地格.总格.外格数分别:20(水) 31(木) 24(火) 43(火) 13(火)
总评数理得分:84 分
笔画分别是:19 12 11
天格.人格.地格.总格.外格数分别:20(水) 31(木) 23(火) 42(木) 12(木)
总评数理得分:82 分
Melaka 3 days 2 nights trip- 5
If you are going to a place that is less night activity, laptop is important to you if you are a late sleeper. Save some dramas, movies or games for you to play or watch at night.
If you are not accustomed to eat outside food, a rice cooker may help you. You just need to bring some rice or food to cook. Or sandwich maker can help you too. You can bring ham and bread.
Remember to bring your toothpaste, body and hair shampoos if you don’t want to buy at there or to save money. Some hotels provide cheap shampoo or don’t provide any at all.
I always bring my towel there because I don’t like to use those towels provided by hotel with no reason.
If you bring fewer clothes, you can bring laundry detergent to wash your clothes but remember to bring hangers to hang your clothes.
Charger, if you stay more than one day at there.
Money and credit card are equally important. If you go for large shopping complex and restaurant, you can use credit card. If you go for street stalls, money is more important than credit card.
Remember to bring drinking water, if not, you need to be thirst till dead at there. Hahaha, of cause you can buy at there. Some hotels will provide you kettles.
Or bring rackets and balls, swimming clothes, any sport activity tools to make yourself to have more fun, if you are a hyperactive kid. =p
Of cause this information is referring to small hotel.

Melaka 3 days 2 nights trip- 3
This is a balcony. The view is the road. Too bad.

This is my brother and his wife room, consist of a large bed and large space of toilet connecting with a changing room.

This is a dinner table.

This is a living room connecting with small kitchen, has tv but no astro. Hahaha,=p.

This is the room I slept. Two beds inside.

Melaka 3 days 2 nights trip- 2
This is the swimming pool scene. 8am to 8pm. The first day, quite ok, still had a lot of people played including my brother and I. The second day, guark guark, the pool water overflowed to surrounding drain. The drainage system was suck.

Don’t doubt, yes, there is a reception counter which actually is a jockey counter. The actual reception counter was full of spiderweb and dust.

I think this actually is a lounge bar but now was abandoned.

This is a reading corner but only few old magazines are there.

This is how the floor looks like with a lot of green mosses growing and yellow stains.

This is telephone corner but without telephone there. Hahaha, funny thing.

Another funny thing, this is a fountain without water. =p

There is also tennis and badminton counts but they are abandoned. I wanna play badminton or tennis as well but unfortunately I didn’t bring any racket. >.<

I don’t know this actually is tree or what kind of plant. The bottom part has many large pieces of leave but it is so high to reach to second floor.

Melaka 3 days 2 nights trip
Hmm, I was quite exciting about this trip before I went there. In my imagination, there will be a large swimming pool with clean water and surrounding with green trees and colourful flowers. Very relaxing feel.
It took more than one hour to go there. Felt bored while sitting in the car.
Yeah, my imagination came true when I stepped in the hotel. The swimming pool really large but the water didn’t look clear but fortunately there was not much chlorine smell.
Yup, wanna told you a first sight I saw this hotel. It somehow looks like a ghost house. This hotel actually was combination of paradise and leisure holidays but paradise was closed, so now only left leisure holidays 25 units are available. This hotel had at least 4 blocks of building surrounding the pool, but now only 2 blocks are available, other blocks of building are full of grass and those windows are broken. Birds are flying freely on top of the buildings, if a ‘woo woo’ sound is noised, definitely it is same as ghost house that we had watched in tv.
My first day look.

Monday, January 26, 2009
Chinese Poetry
晴不在 痕不见
雨欲下 心淌血
盐化水 目聚泪
水味咸 泪亦咸
努力无果 情已逝
哭亦难换 随它去
天转晴 心已不痛
春风起 心也放晴
烈日下 盐再聚
无数天 人也长大 不少
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

第一 请一定要记住KS
First, remember KS
第二 相信KS,KS们永远都会是你的伙伴
Second, believe KS will be your friends forever
第三 如果有机会就找KS一起出街
Third, let go out have fun together
第四 如果没空,也不要忘了用手机或电脑与KS联络
Fourth, if no time to meet, SMS and MSN are other ways
第五 不要偷懒,每个星期至少上网一次,为KS留言
Fifth, remember leave message for other KS online
第六 如果你没做到,KS就会分开,K是K,S是S,没了KS
Sixth, don’t separate KS two alphabets
第七 我们能去不同的地方,只要有可能约在一起,就尽量约,只要能够赴约,就尽量赴约
Seventh, there is a possible for KS to meet every where, every time
第八 当KS老了,KS也一样可以相聚在一起
Eighth, KS still will be KS when we grow
第九 我们的人生只有一次,所以要珍惜KS在一起的时间
Ninth, appreciate the time for KS stick together
第十 不要忘记一起KS过的生活过,当有一天不能再走动的时候,想想KS也会笑
Tenth, recall the KS time when we are going to be old to have a smile on our face
哈哈,可以吗?希望吧!有点恶心,可是如果可以是很有意思的。LJ Family 也一样希望。
Same to LJ Family
Modified from a Japanese movie, 10 agreements with dog.
第二 相信我,我永远都会是你的伙伴
第三 多和我一起游戏
第四 也不要忘了我内心的想法
第五 不要打我
第六 如果我不听你的话,一定是有原因的
第七 你能去学校,还有朋友,可是我只有你
第八 当我老了,请好好地对待我
第九 我的寿命只有十年左右,所以要珍惜我们在一起的时间
第十 我不会忘记跟你生活过的时间,当我死去的时候,拜托你,守候在我身边
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ideal College
Suddenly think that why I should need to study hard for just a paper (certificate), can’t I survive without that paper?
That paper costs me about 10 thousand money and even it takes over my joy and time and gives me a lot of pressure. I’m not saying we should not study but should we study in a good way with least pressure.
Being a full time student is really stressful. If possible, I will probably choose to be a part time student. Working while learning at the same time. Experiencing a job is more important in memorizing the whole notes given by lecturers while at the same time you can earn money to support the school fee.
What if I as a headmaster?
I would like to let students have more time to have more spaces in college with nice sport courts and swimming pool. Of cause with least rules in order to comfort students while have a great relaxing time.
I will arrange the time schedule like not more than 5 hours study time but more time spend in practical. There is definitely not an interesting thing to face a stack of notes than handle the real instrument, to experience the real rather than imagine by reading lines and pictures is more beneficial.
Definitely the time arrange for the class should be smart, no too early class, no too late class, no more than 3 hours space time in between classes.
Of cause, library plays an important to students, library should be comfort and near to students study hall. If can, build more library or study rooms.
If a college is too large, maybe a little small transportation is required for transport students from one point to another far point.
Nice park with a lot of beautiful and colourful flowers can make students feel less stress.
Canteen food should be nice and good in taste with variable choices.
If possible, a shopping complex could be nearby the college. What is ideally to have in a complex? Coffee shop, food restaurant, book shops, clothes shop. Maybe some will think that this will increase the chance for students to skip the class but actually if a student really wanna skip the class, no one can obstruct them.
A nearby complex is good because the student can return back to college as soon as possible and in time to attend their class.
Computer is another important tool plays an important role in college. The connection line should be faster. If possible, build more computer rooms around the college.
Of cause there is impossible to have such of this college in Malaysia, but because of having a hope, people can always to have a progression.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Just hope for pass
Looked to others, they were some smiling, some so sad, some just kept themselves silent.
When friends gathered together, first word came out was a sign.
Haiz, seem like there were many people same as me, felt so difficult for the morning paper. I was just so worried and almost wanted to give up for my afternoon paper, but my consciousness told me I shouldn’t. Of course, if really fei lao, one paper is enough, I don’t want more than that.
After I backed to home, I was so tired and went for a sleep, just wanted to forget everything that had happened just now.
The below stuff was figured out due to my mind still kept on thinking. I really wanted to let my mind clear out those things to have a good rest but the mind was out of control.
Coursework 30%
Exam 70%
Coursework 20%
Exam 30%
I just wish to pass, so 50% is num num ho for me.
A ÷ 100 = 30 ÷ 70
A = 42
Friends, we just need to get 42 to aim for pass. It was so funny. Students should hope to get good result, to aim A, but how come student as me just aim for pass.
Last semester should be everything in good, please let the good happens to us.
Gambateh, we still have 4 more subjects to go for.
So, every of my friend aza aza fighting.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Cold Joke
24, wrong wrong.
21, hmm, E.T. took U.F.O.
20, yeah, yeah, E.T.T.K. took U.F.O. went away. (I think by myself)
I’m getting crazy, like to listen this type of cold joke now.
Why Sus Scrofa likes to ask WHY?
Ask me WHY?
Yeah, you get the answer.
You are Sus Scrofa who likes to ask WHY?
Why we need to take the exam?
To show your intelligent.
Do you care for environmental issue?
Do you love recycle?
While you are taking exam, you are wasting a lot of papers.
So, says STOP to exam.
For me, I will say GTH to the exam.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Take care
Still have five more days to meet in school, but those days are tension, nervous, not fun at all. Everyone now is preparing for exam. I should gambateh as well.
Feeling is so special, mixed with happy and sad moods.
Feeling happy because finally I’m going to graduate. This is what I’m longing for.
No need to face those dislike lecturers, no need take LRT go to college anymore, waste an hour time, thoroughly say goodbye to college, to those unhappy, bad memories.
Feeling uncertainty, because I don’t know how’s my life going to be. If someone knows any good fortune teller, please recommend to me. I wonder how my future is.
Feeling sad, of cause going to separate with my friends, and especially to those are going to UK and live far from KL. Of cause those good, excited memories could only be recalled, I hope my friends and I can maintain and create more our good memories. I really hope.
Haiz, a long sign.
Think back the time that I was a young child, suddenly think that time went so fast, from a kid until now, knowing that the life is more complicate than I think, as we grow older and older, knowing more and more about the dark side of this world.
Being naïve is good for kid, being naïve definitely is fool for us. We need to be smart to face everything.
Friends and I still are a learner. Be smart and creative to make our future shine. Hoping everyone good in future, of cause healthy always. Take care, friends.
Anyhow, just concentrate for the exam first.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Don’t know what to say, then keep your mouth close, use your gestures to show your mind thinking, you will also be eye-catching.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I’m not so perfect. Most of us are not prefect. We are having shortcoming but we are having our advantages as well.
Sometimes I hope I am others, rich, tall, perfect, crazy…but as compare, I even hate to live in the shadow of others’ life. We should have our happiness from being ourselves, I think.
Taurus, Virgo, zodiac year of cow
I have met all my hates.
Upper class
Friday, January 2, 2009

A new astrologist had discovered a new horoscope. Look at the sky, find the nine stars, use lines to connect them together, what will you get?
KS two words. Yeah, hooray. Actually, the new astrologist is me and a new horoscope is called KS, symbolizes our friendship.
Next time when you feel bored, look at the sky, find the nine stars, use lines to connect them together, and think about KS, think about us.
KS Fai Chai