7th of February, we went to Fui’s house to sing K and stay a night at his house. This decision was made so early before exam. And now, we did it, so happy, but this is also considered is our last activity. I really hope we can find another day to go out together again. I hope every year we can gather at least once. We should set a day is KS day. so every year that day, we can meet each other. How do you think? Don’t say it’s impossible like what that YSeng always answered me.
That day, our KS gang members all arrived except KS king, our first president. Too bad. That guy too KS.
Just wanna ask you guys how’s your life right now?
This is our Fui’s house. Captured in the morning.

This is another Fui but he is called Bian Hui.

This is Jacky. The one slept the earliest on that day. =p

How our five persons slept in a room. I slept beside YSeng. T.T

Say hello to Jacky and Roland.

KS-Day, not bad, considerable... Later we can build up our KS-company, then KS-Association, then, KS-Sdn. Bhd. Manufacturing factory, and our Worldwide KS-Bussiness....hahaha...
guys can sleep in jeans. that makes me feel weird towards men.....
Yes....that was me...coz I forgotten to bring short pants...
aiya..sleep in jeans oso got wrong meh? Its so cold there summore...aircon man....jeans is pants...long short...also pants...at least sleep with pants better than sleeping with underwear ma...rite?
Jack is so funny. Yeah, Never mind la, the jeans are not worn a whole day, just a short time, no any smell. =p still alright.
haiz...jack, nx time we wear underwear la...it looks more sexy....hahah...
what the!!!!!!!!...i smell good ok...=)
omg....underwear nia...will freeze wei....then so many guys summore...later...*erhemmm* happens
I dun wan b gigolo T.T
.... you guys don't say something disgust. Vomit le.
We are organizing KS party, not gigolo party or underwear party. It is suitable for everyone, not 18sx.
Aiya, be polite, man. Shouldn’t say WTF, should be WTH. =p
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