Yeah, within 0530, 22nd of February to 0200, 1st of March, I was disappeared in Malaysia for total one week.
With the reason, I flew to Guang Zhou with my parents and brother. That was my first time travel out of Malaysia area and first time took a plane. That was so much exciting for me.
Preparing to the fly
On 21st of February, we still in work, this was a day nothing so special in mood. I didn’t think of the travel at the night, so that was nothing feeling in my mind. I worked normally, did everything in normal.
But……my parents forced me to cut my hair. What for I should cut my hair which I didn’t want to do it? Would airport security obstruct me for enter the plane just because my hair wasn’t cut? Or people in Guang Zhou hate people with long hair as me? Nothing to argue with, my parents’ words are always right and is an order, no matter how much I feel dislike, at last I still need to comply with.
That day, my mom decided to close early, while my dad already disappeared to back to home. I still remembered that was a rainy day. We four persons, mom, Daniel, Martin and I, closed the stall in rain. Because it was a last day we were in Malaysia before we went to Guang Zhou, my mom so care about my sister-in-law because she was in pregnant and doctor said she might labor on the day we were not in Malaysia.
I remembered on that day, tauke of Qiang Kee Pork Pot spent us a dinner. My dad wanted to pay for the dinner but they said for see them off.
We didn’t sleep at night because the flight was at 5am and we needed to reach at airport at 4am. That was no time for us to sleep after we were back to home.
3 something, a taxi was reached at our home, on the way to airport, I felt so sleepy while my mind kept on thinking something, but I already forgot what I was thinking at that time.
On the airport
That was so careless for my brother to see wrongly for the date. That was a shock for us.
…… that was so embarrassing……what to do? Buy new tickets or go back home? We chose the first. That was a learning to be careful to examine the number, especially for those numbers related to money and time.
Next, waiting to enter the plane… that was a long time queue.
When I walked to the plane, that was a moment I felt excited as I didn’t feel it before.
On the fly
It was ready to fly as the plane started to move. I suddenly felt so cool and the feeling was something same as you are playing roller coaster but this was just a big roller coaster with all lives were bundled together. Listening to the sound of the engine, although I was inside the plane but I could feel the speed of the plane and the air flew outside was so fast and cool.
When I saw the pilot is a Chinese, I started to believe him and felt I am safe. Hahaha, don’t know why? Maybe Chinese trusted Chinese.
As the plane fly up to the sky, the plane started to fly slightly oblique. I saw a beautiful night scene around the airport with all street lights line up as a map.
Suddenly hear a voice, and looked outside, believed that the plane was flied through the cloud. The beauty night scene started to be unclear and then only black outside the window.
It was a time for sleep. Sleep in the plane was a challenge. The seat was so straight and the space was so narrow, my long legs could not exchange much position. It was really hard to sleep although a pig should be able to sleep in everywhere but I couldn’t.
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