Thursday, October 15, 2009

Physics Theory

I suddenly very miss my KS friends, not so gay, but it’s my true feeling, I wish to meet every of my KS friends at once. Yesterday chatted with Kid, he said he missed us. ‘walao’ this guy seldom contact us suddenly said this, for me is weird, because this guy has a lot of friends, more than we know. (Maybe we KS gang is the best of the best.)

Maybe influent by Kid, I suddenly also miss you guys.

Don’t know when is our next gathering? I have a lot of thing cannot be expressed out so I really need friends to stay with me, just have a little chit chat, joke, that will be great and helping me to relax, at least I know someone still care about me, support me at my back.

Living in this world is a long life education like what my teacher taught me. You can learn something bit by bit everyday.
And I had really learnt something. I learnt that everyone cannot be trusted except I myself.
Even family or friends can betray me in one day.
Maybe I should not use betray this word, they will like to compete with me secretly.
I’m not smart but I know I am lucky, blessed by god.
And this qualifies me to become as a competitor to someone.
I thank god.

That is so sad when you know the guy who sit beside you is actually not treating you as a friend but an enemy.
We look like so close and in connection but that is fake, we are acting.

That is so sad when you walk down to the street and turn your head to the back.
There is no one supporter at behind.
You are always alone. You are the only one person defends every difficulty in your future, no helper, no hailer.
You are always alone, no matter you keep on saying you have a lot of friends or how many person in your friends list, that all are abstract.

You are individual, you are counted as one unit and your friend is another unit. Two units can stick together at one time but may separate at another time. This is a physics theory regarding to human relationship.

1 comment:

Jackson_teoh said...

Good physics theory..Nice point!!.Like tat also can related to relationship btw friends.Anyway, u seem very depressed but somehow donno where to express ur feeling. I knew this is the best way for u to express and sharing ur feeling with us. I really appreciated it. Sorry, Im hard to online except go to cc online, so seldom online and reply u. Hope u happy always!! and see u in convo soon..wear leng cai a bit..hahaha