Thursday, June 25, 2009

To UK Friends about H1N1

How’re you guys, my friends in UK?
Zhong Guo newspaper said people back from Philippines, Australia, England, and America to KL need to go for self isolation at home for a week. This is a MUST.

The newest news that I heard was the amount of people involving in this case was greatly increasing to 80 persons and the youngest was a six months baby. Few schools are closed for about one week because there are few students getting sick. The disease spread into the school. Zhou Li primary school is one of the school (JY’s primary school). The story started with a whole family went for vacation to Australia and four persons are infected with the illness and the student backed to school as normal and that guy infected other students.

For those feel illness should be self isolation or wearing the mask for other people safety. Be careful in airport, that is a most probably transmission place.

For my friends, please take care.

Swine Flu Symptoms
-Nasal Congestion
-Body aches
-Joint Pains
-Sore throat
-Decreased energy
-Rarely death in more severe cases, especially from pneumonia.

Prevention of Swine Flu
1-Washing hands routinely with soap and warm water.
2-Wearing a mask/respirator may also be helpful if you must be in public places.
3-If you are planning on traveling by air or train, having a mask available would be a good idea in case it is needed. Also, avoid contact with sick people whenever possible. If you are sick, stay home.
4-Use alcohol based hand sanitizers to minimize infection risk.
5-Some also use the air purifier to help reduce exposure to airborne germs.
6-Eating healthy food, getting plenty of sleep and keeping your immune system strong can help prevent infections.
7-Vitamin D supplementation may also be of benefit when taken in adequate doses.

Adaptation from


shawnn loo said...

jiayi need to go self isolation

jiayi said...

England hv more den 200 case lu~~Today newspaper wrote swine flu too wide too control tim..
but i feel nothing here le..
nobody wear mask oso..

Ettkeric said...

I saw so many guys wear mask aldy. Scaring tim, scare to be infected but not die. Haha.

Jackson_teoh said...

Aik ya.I dont care de la.If my fate wanna come soon, i juz accept lo.I dont care so much. Juz try my best to protect me. Thks for caring