Saturday, July 4, 2009


A new day has come with many unpredictable events"

我的Aiya brother went to PKN today.
I thought he was just kidding with me but yesterday and today morning, he sent two messages to me about he’s going to PKN. I called him for confirmation and he told me he was on the way to the camp at that moment. Omg, it was true. Haha, actually that was nothing bad, it was just letting me to know that was one more friend going far away from me. I had less one more friend to talk with when I need them.

I was not sure what he was thinking about at the time he was on the way to the PKN camp. Was he nervous? Was he scared? Did he need friends to talk with? I was not sure but if for me, I thought I would need friends to give me some supports. So, I called him.

But he only goes for two months. Cheh…省回祝福
But still wishing him to take care. I wonder how he will be looked like with bald head. Haha.
他和我一样,不能光头的,he same as me, cannot be bald. Haha.
加油,Cha Siew.

Another bad thing.
Haiz, yesterday I felt a little bit better then went to eat KFC but today I felt sore throat, so dei sei.


1 comment:

jiayi said...

har...cha siew so cham ar..

he dy vy slim..slim till wind blow oso will fall down..

afert PKN ma lagi teruk lo...his fair skin oso will lost left only tanned skin...
