Friday, September 24, 2010

Love Myself More

"How many of you feel fat?
How many of you think that you are not worth any much?
A lot of pimples? Not enough friends?" Mercedes from Glee

I don’t really pissed off any those of these but I'm just sigh why I'm not that perfect as I think I could be... physically and mentally, I'm not perfect as what I want to be..

I'm skinny, I dislike it... I need not to have six pieces in my abdomen but at least don’t let me see my sternum when I put off my shirt, and with a small tummy.
That are not what I hate myself the most.

I have many of shortcomings
I'm not brave enough, I'm not decisive, I'm not hardworking,
I'm not independent, I'm not well-controlled with my emotion, I'm not confident.
I am imperfect, I know myself well.
That is why I always ask myself to love myself more.
To love myself more, accept myself as who I am right now. I should not care about others eyes’ sight.
I’m live for my own, not for others.
I should care, “Am I healthy? Do I look happy? Do I look handsome when I’m changing clothes and combing my hair in front of mirror? “
I should care all about myself.

Who ask me to change, go hell…
I like who I am, and I am proud of who I am.
The person who care and love me should love and like my person, action, attitude, all I have, the one who stands in front of you, always laugh and saying cold joke to you, dress not so nice but smart… that is me…

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